вторник, 17 мая 2016 г.

Петиция за отмену результатов "Евровидения 2016". Make Eurovision Song Contest revise the results of the song contest 2016

Вы ещё не проголосовали? Петиция за отмену результатов финала международного песенного конкурса "Евровидение 2016" в Стокгольме набрала уже более 350.000 голосов.  Как известно, на конкурсе "победила" то ли крымско-татарская армянка, то ли крымско-армянская татарка гражданка Украины Сусана Джамаладинова с песней про свою бабушку, которую грузин Иосиф Виссарионович приказал в 1944 году выселить из Крыма в Среднюю Азию...

This petition is dedicated to European Broadcasting Union from all the fans that not agree with the results from Eurovision Song Contest 2016. We understand that jury voting and televoting process is a hard and emotional one, but the amount of people who've signed this shows that how many people are sure that this year's "winner" is not the one who should really win the contest. We have no doubt on the justice and privacy of contest that's why we think that there's need to revise the results.

Я абсолютно не согласна с решением "профессионального" жюри. Евровидение - это НЕ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ конкурс, как нам заявляют, тогда почему победила именно ПОЛИТИКА? Посмотрите сами как распределялись голоса за Россию: Сербия - жюри 1 балл, народ 12; Словения - жюри 0 баллов, народ 10; Эстония - жюри 0 баллов, народ 12; Болгария - жюри 6 баллов, народ 12; Украина - жюри 0 баллов, народ 12; Чехия - жюри 0 баллов, народ 10; Германия - жюри 0 баллов, народ 12.

Народ голосовал за понравившуюся им МУЗЫКУ, как и должно быть, а не как это сделало "профессиональное" жюри. Голоса 5 человек, закрытых в комнате в каждой стране НИЧТО по сравнению с выбором ВСЕГО КОНТИНЕНТА. К тому же у Джамалы песня была с двойным подтекстом, один из которых очень провокационный! Ее вообще нельзя было допускать с такой песней к НЕ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОМУ, ОБЪЕДИНЯЮЩЕМУ СТРАНЫ конкурсу!

Анастасия Самойлова, Жлобин, Беларусь

Украина нарушила правила, выступая с политической песней. Политике не место на музыкальном конкурсе! Голоса жюри подлежат аннулированию, зрители, как и прежде, сами сделали выбор! Европейцы против политической грязи, Европа за голос, харизму и яркое исполнение! Украину дисквалифицировать за нарушение правил!!!

Оксана Качалова, Харьков, Украина

Подписываю. Один из тех немногих случаев, когда победил не сильнейший. Понятное дело, что хотели задеть этим Россию. В этом продажное жюри справилось на отлично. Тут любому зрителю ясно, что лучший номер был у России. Вы только представьте, как тяжело было Сергею совершать эти движения и одновременно петь! Лазарев показал просто высочайший уровень мастерства. Ну у кого ещё был номер сложнее по исполнению? Украина ничего не показала, одно завывание и кривляние в песне про коллаборационистов. Кто будет под неё танцевать и петь? 

Это вообще даже не песня! Понравились, конечно, и остальные участники от Европы, также стоит отметить Австралию. У последней голос просто невероятный. Жюри совершило преступление по отношению ко всем участникам конкурса! Теперь все узнали о его продажности и политизации. Это огромный минус на репутации. Спасибо жюри, теперь люди знают, как на самом деле распределяются голоса. Доверия к вам больше нет, ваша репутация испорчена. "Евровидение" превратилось в "Политовидение"!

Кирилл Блинов, Moscow, Россия

Jamala sing a political song. She wasn't supposed to win.

Svetlana Yadova, Харьков, Украина

70 % конкурсантов выступили лучше, чем "победитель".

Дима Владимиров, Дебальцево, Украина

Людей не обманете!!! Вся Европа отдала голоса за Сергея Лазарева! Блестящее исполнение, лучший номер, достойное поведение Лазарева импонирует всей Европе!!! НЕТ политическим песням! Жюри на мыло! Евровидение должно объединять страны! Здесь чистой воды провокация! Мы не дураки, Европа не дураки! Мы понимаем, что происходит! Хватит издеваться над народами! Аннулировать голосование жюри!!!

Alice Lenets, Москва, Россия

I don't think the jury votes should be in Eurovision at all! People voice should be heard, and the best should have won, not the most pathetic one with the song about war and occupation! And before signing this bullshit, really just read a history book about events in 1944. Shame on Eurovision, shame on the fearful jury!

Olga Lvova, Helsinki, Финляндия

It was all political vote!!!!!! You should read the rules of the eurovision contest! The Winner song you know what is saying!? Please give me a break! Allora the vote were courapted! Lies l'esame lies.

monika rokicka, ottawa, Канада

I sign this petition because Ukraine used his position and hooked up the politics here. Ukrainian song is pathetic. It's not a winner. Eurovision is a song contest and joy but this year won song of the war. It is not normal! The real winner is Russia and Europe proved it.

Jons Clifford, Германия

I'm Ukrainian but I don't agree with the results of Eurovision 2016. I think that Sergey deserves to win more than Jamala. His song was beautiful and the show was amazing. The third place is too unfair with respect to him.

Anastasia Demchenko, Киев, Украина

I'm signing this petition because Ukrainian song shouldn't have won. It was against the rules, they used their situation in the country, and of course everyone felt bad because of it and that's why she won. The real winner should have been Sergey Lazarev from Russia. It was totally unfair, this FESTIVAL was about the great music that gets stuck in your head not about the POLITICS. This was a big fraud.

Aleksandra Mladenovic, Leskovac, Сербия.

Ukrainian song is song about political situation. It shouldn't be on Eurovision because it is NOT POLOTICAL CONTEST! Her song is about 2014, not about 1944.

Дарья Шутова, Москва, Россия

In my opinion this winner is result of political situation in europe .. not europeans voted.

Adriana Šafran, Kutina, Хорватия

EBU shouldn't allow explicitly political songs to be in the contest. It's a song contest, not politics contest. People shall support the artist(s), because of the quality, not because of politics.

Jason Park, Chiang Mai, Таиланд

The winning song about Stalin! At Eurovision 2017 will sing about Hitler? Political song won! Shame Eurovision.

Ludmila Ksifili, Athens, Греция

Simple; Russia should have been the "one" to win!

James Crampton Thomas, Ashtead, Великобритания

Eurovision contest should never be political, and Australia and Russia deserved to win.

Juliana Headley, Somerset, NJ

Was political and unfair. Ukraine has had a sensible historical song - BEGGING ONE I could add, what is this? Russia and Australia were the best, just be fair!

alex alexandro, bucharest, Румыния

I sign this petition because jury's votes were totally unfair. Many of the countries didn't give Russia any votes AT ALL! At the same time people's voting shows that Sergey Lazarev gain the highest score. This situation shows that jury's votes are based on politics only and that they are not allowed to have that much power (50%!) in the voting process.

Nikita Saveljev, Tallinn, Эстония

This song is one of the worst songs of this year and won due to the political situation in europe. TOTALLY UNFAIR. Plus Spain had a nice song this year and ended at the 22/26 place...WTF is this!!!!!!!!???

María José Rodrigo García, Испания

The result is a shame, fuck politics.

roberto tagliaferoo, valletta, Мальта

We could see all how the juries were voting between Russia and Ukraine, it was all about Russia not to win! and Australia paid the price by loosing the first place, I am just wondering if this televoting is real or a joke (it is a joke 1000% not real), we can see clearly this works for political reasons SHAME!

Gerasimos Titomichelakis, Австралия

The jury has to much power! Let the people decide the winner! Last year's true winner was Italy and this year's true winner was Russia! Remove the juries!

Jensia Maria í Króki, Copenhagen, Дания

Russia won Europes votes. People put aside politics and conflicts for this night but that was NOT what they jury did. Unfair and disgusting what they did. This year it was RUSSIAS turn to win, they had the best song and best show.

Maria Sjöberg, Stockholm, Швеция

This competition should be about music and not politics. Really, this year vote are so blatantly lead by politics... You should care about your audience

Roberta Penna, Италия

Shameful, worst Eurovision ever. The so-called winner should be disqualified for braking the contest' rulers!

Maria Avakova, medford, MA

Russia should have won, not ukraine...

Kaii Lazarev, Witney, Великобритания

Remove urgently the jury! These 200 people have taken the victory from Australia and Russia! But Europe voted for Russia. Millions of us! But in the end in the Eurovision song contest in 2016 won policy. Never watch the Eurovision song contest. Reconsider the vote please, because you will drop rating. Thank you.

Mary Benson, Paris, Франция

It's wrong that Ukrain was alowed to participate, and even win the contest, when Armenia got a sharp warning for waving a flag!! The rules of this contest should apply for everyone.

Mikael Velander, Nynäshamn, Швеция

I don't agree with the results


In the 16 years I have watched this show, this is by far and large the worst case of political voting I have ever seen. I am most likely done watching this show live. It is not worth me sacrificing a Saturday afternoon for anymore.

Pat McCurry, Milford, NH

I was surprised! Juri voted for Ausralia. People voted for Russia. And Ukraine won!

Maryam Fz, Stockholm, Швеция

I for that Russia was the winner. is the main favorite Eurovision. Millions of people will agree that Ukraine won dishonestly

Dail Ridich, Vienna, Австрия

EBU shouldn't allow explicitly political songs to be in the contest.

Aleksandr Ponomar, Parnu, Эстония


Алеся Давидчук, Пинск, Беларусь

Подписать петицию https://www.change.org/p/european-broadcasting-union-make-eurovision-song-contest-revise-the-results-of-the-song-contest-2016

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